Received: JanuAccepted: JPublished: August 16, 2019Ĭopyright: © 2019 Farias et al. Aguirre, DePaul University, UNITED STATES (2019) The largest fish in the world’s biggest river: Genetic connectivity and conservation of Arapaima gigas in the Amazon and Araguaia-Tocantins drainages. gigas to disperse through floodplain corridors to maintain genetic diversity among otherwise sedentary adult sub-populations.Ĭitation: Farias IP, Willis S, Leão A, Verba JT, Crossa M, Foresti F, et al.

We recommend that managers consider the regional and local threats to these populations and tailor strategies accordingly, strategies which should ensure the ability of young A. On average the levels of gene diversity and rarefied allelic richness were higher for localities along the Amazonas mainstem than in the tributaries, despite these being the areas of highest fishing pressure, while the lowest values were found in tributary headwaters, where landscape modification is a significant threat. The levels of genetic diversity were heterogeneous across sites, including low genetic diversity, effective population sizes, and evidence of genetic bottlenecks in several places. The degree and significance of genetic divergence indicates that most sampled localities represent demographically independent sub-populations, although we did identify several recent migration events between both proximal and more distant localities. We saw no evidence of multiple species of Arapaima in the Amazonas basin, and analysis of pairwise genetic divergence ( F ST) with Mantel tests and correlograms indicated that this largest population exhibits a large-scale pattern of isolation-by-distance, with which results from MIGRATE-N agreed. The Amazonas population is further structured by isolation-by-distance with the hydrologically largely unconnected Amapá locality representing the eastern-most extreme of this continuum gene flow predominates at distances of less than 1500 km with localities separated by over 2000 km dominated by genetic drift and effectively forming different populations. The results of analysis of molecular variance, Bayesian clustering and discriminant analysis of principal components showed that Arapaima in our samples represents two major populations, one in the Amazonas and one in the Araguaia-Tocantins River basins. To estimate levels of genetic variability and historical and recent connectivity in Arapaima, we examined variation in eleven microsatellite DNA markers in individuals from 22 localities in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. Arapaima, pirarucu or paiche ( Arapaima gigas) is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, and has a long history of commercial exploitation in the Amazon region.